Brain games: puzzles, riddles, and logical games.
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Puzzles, riddles, logical games, mathematics on Facebook

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1. pretorik - 161
2. markr - 116
3. Gordon Weir - 104
4. mbloomfi - 97
5. Dennis Nazarov - 96
6. zzz123 - 72
7. Srikanta - 56
8. lidSpelunker - 53
10. jkr - 44

1. denisR, mishik - 236
2. alan, De_Bill - 231
3. dddfff - 228
4. kavfy - 221
5. idler_ - 106
6. akajobe - 94
7. tolstyi - 56
8. STARuK - 42
9. vale - 31
10. xandr - 11

Before you can register, you must answer 3 simple questions. All answers are numbers. If the answer is integer, simply type it in the corresponding field. A fraction must be typed in its simple irreducible form, i.e. 5/2 (neither 2.5, nor 2 1/2).

What is next: 1 4 9 16 25 ...?
A Megamind walked the first half of the trip at 4 km/h and ran the second half at 6 km/h. What is his average velocity?
How many natural numbers less than 1000 are not divisible by 5 and 7?

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