Late for work
PracticalOne Megamind lived in a country ruled by a ruthless despot, terrorizing the entire population. The laws were so strict that thousands of people were sentenced for any slight misbehavior and thrown into prison. For being more than 10 minutes late for work, any unfortunate soul would be incarcerated for 5 years. Once, an elderly worker was late for 12 minutes. His immediate boss filed the report, and the worker was arrested and tried in court. The court did not have a choice of many defenders because everybody was afraid to become one. The Megamind was also scared but he also knew that there was a way to save the man, so he stepped up and became the man's defense attorney. In court, the Megamind addressed the audience and asked them a single question. A few minutes later, the man was set free by the court. What question did the Megamind ask?
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